You are what you do

Vladic Roskin
3 min readMay 27, 2021

I was talking to a friend today about why we do the things we do. Why are we drawn towards certain activities and what do they change in us? My friend and I are both very different people when it comes to our lifestyles but the one thing we have in common is how we clear our heads and regain the energy to face life. He is more drawn towards extreme outdoor environments while I just simply need to escape by myself into the unknown. Regularly!

So we got into a conversation about what we do to stay sane when life is weighing us down. I was explaining to him how I can feel my body relax and my mind becoming more present while I was walking around with my camera looking for great shots and I realized that at this point I can’t imagine a life without photography anymore. I realized that I picked up photography because it gave me an excuse to simply be me. To head out by myself and do what I do best: explore unknown territory and discover the world through my lens. Once I grab my camera I automatically become more focused and start looking for something to catch my attention. I’m literally entering a different universe. My perception of reality changes and my mind is only worried about finding something fascinating to snap. I’m in the realm of beauty and wonder, scanning my surroundings with childlike curiosity as if I was walking into Disney Land for the first time in my life. I’m sure people must be questioning if I’m actually oké when they notice my whole body in perpetual movement, bending and gazing a full 360 degrees, while I’m obsessively inspecting every little detail that catches my eye. I totally get lost in the process and it feels damn good! It’s way cheaper than a therapy session and the results are guaranteed.

Once you’ve experienced that feeling of aliveness there is really no way back. Photography is a profession but, above all, it’s a lifestyle. I do it because I simply can’t help but do it. It’s a coping mechanism and an expression. It makes me feel human in the first place and, secondly, it also gives me an opportunity to move others with my discoveries along the road. I think that’s a pretty good mix and I can’t imagine doing anything else.

I’m Vlad, a freelance photographer & writer capturing remarkable stories around the world to inspire unconventional leaders, thinkers and dreamers to conquer what matters.




Vladic Roskin

Photographer, explorer and writer capturing remarkable stories around the world to inspire leaders, dreamers and thinkers to conquer what matters.